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The Errant Husband review

Just to mix it up a little, I'm posting a book review here. I enjoyed reading fellow TWUC member and fellow one-time Calgary Public Library author-in-residence Elizabeth Haynes' novel. Radiant Press puts out lovely books!

Calgary-based author Elizabeth Haynes’ novel The Errant Husband  begins with her protagonist, Thelma, joining her husband on a trip to Cuba, where he’s doing research for a novel he’s writing. No sooner do they arrive, though, than Wally goes missing, prompting Thelma to search frantically for him.

            The Errant Husband is a many-layered story: what at first seems to be a relatively straightforward mystery becomes a journey of discovery, both inner and outer. As the narrative traces its back and forth in time, and back and forth between Calgary and Cuba, we follow Thelma’s journeys of discovery, both inner and outer. Her inner world, her reflections, and ultimately a secret she’s long been carrying, are contrasted with the vivid, vital, sensuous outer world of Cuba that Thelma finds herself in.

            Haynes’ characters are fully rounded, complex and believable, and the wry humour, rich sensory detail and well-executed suspense make this novel a delight to read. Highly recommended!

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